Life Giving Rhythms: Rest

Tanner Heath   -  

Opener if needed β€” If someone added up all of your time spent in one thing, what would you be an expert in?

Ex. Mystery novels, baking bread, Fifa, etc.

Read the Scripture: Matthew 11:25-30

  • Reflect on the sermon. Is there anything that stood out to you?

What does it mean for Jesus’s yoke to be easy and his burden light?

  • Consider the constant striving the world asks of us. Where are you building ladders in your life? How does Jesus bring true freedom?

Are you more weary than you are willing to admit? How does rest play an integral part in your flourishing?

  • Consider the things in your life that you consider to be a burden. Are there things you need to remove or reframe?

  • Ex. Rest fills up so that we can give to others. Rest gives us the confidence that we can go for a long time. Rest allows us to live into things that God has designed for us.

We said on Sunday that your life is perfectly positioned to obtain the results you are currently getting. Without beating yourself up over works righteousness, would you say that your life is the product of a life in the Spirit?

  • Ex. Yes, even on the days that I do not feel like I am good, I am confident in who God is in the Scriptures. I am looking for ways to share my faith. I feel well rested.

The last point of the sermon β€” God invites you into practices of regular rest. How are currently orienting your life for rest, or how might you reorient your life to pursue rest?

  • Ex. Do a time inventory of your life. Set a part of your day for silence. Plan a day of games and travel.

  • What might you need to omit from your life right now?