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Avent 2024: Coming
Jesus first came to us as a little baby, then became our Savior, and is coming again as king.

The Spirit of God Uncaged
God's Spirit is Uncaged, running out ahead of us, inviting us to join Him in what He's already doing.

Who We Are
Exploring our identity as the people of God, according to scripture.

Call to Action
A study on the book of James
Garden Design
A garden doesn't just happen, it is intentionally designed. Garden Church is intentionally designed with a vision and mission.
Sukkot: God With Us
Have you ever walked into a room and thought, "I don't belong here?" We know that Jesus has come to live within us and doesn't it often feel like He's out of place? What does it look like to celebrate God with us? Jason Mocan shares on the festival of Sukkot.
Prayer: Why we pray and how to break down barriers to prayer– Why do we pray? It keeps our perspective on God, allowing us to yield to His will and focus on eternity. But shame, distraction, and unconfessed sin can keep us from a vibrant and fulfilling prayer life. How can we move past these barriers and engage with God?

Standing in the Gap
We are in the gap between Jesus' time on Earth and His second coming, and the gap is getting smaller every day. How do we stand in the gap? We look at the example of Elisha stepping into the gap left by Elijah.

Jeremiah 29:4-13
Revival doesn't usually break out in ideal times, but in the midst of our unwelcomed, unexpected crisis, God has not abandoned us. God can be found in our present reality even if it isn't our preferred reality, if we choose to seek HIm with our whole heart.Guest speaker Norm Langston shared from Jeremiah 29:4-13.

What drives us? Where does the urge to fill our lives with something come from? We all want an abundant life, but where do you find it? We go chasing after shiny things, trying to find abundance but in reality– the real source is always here: Jesus.
Every runner desires transformation. Philippians shows us the kind of transformation that is available through Christ, as we run the race of life.
Psalms of the Passion
The Psalms are full of references to our Savior– come see the truth of the Gospel woven throughout the Psalms as we look towards Easter.
Sermon on the Mount
What did Jesus actually say? Join us as we study Jesus' longest recorded sermon.

Did you know that your attention is one of the most valuable things in the world? How can you keep your attention on what really matters and remain unhindered?
Life Together
The pandemic separated us like never before, so how do we live life together like Jesus taught?